Wednesday 11 April 2012

...Writing my first proper post.

Big Mouth Billy Bass in a tree
I think I'll drop having "Tom may be..." before every post, it'll rapidly get annoying. Just imagine it before each post title, OK? I'm still pleased with it mind, it's a bit like how all episodes of Friends were titled "The one with..." and The Big Bang Theory uses something even more annoying. Well this blog ain't gonna be like that. It won't be as successful as Friends, and my god it better be less rubbish that The Big Bang Theory.
While cycling to work along the Wandle trail last week I saw something out the corner of my eye that looked like it was stuck to a tree. Being in a hurry and not wanting to stop I ignored it and carried on. That afternoon on my journey home I reminded myself to check it out, so while passing I glanced toward the trees where I saw the anomaly. I saw what it was. I skidded to a halt (literally - my tyres made a cool noise and everything!), got off my bike and took a photo. It was Big Mouth Billy Bass stuck to a tree. Absolutely fantastic. I know there is a lot of badness in this world, but that some person out there thought to do this made me smile, and restored a little of my faith in the goodness of people. Or at least there sense of humour.
In other news, I've started reading comic books again. They're brilliant, aren't they?
Thanks for reading, more drivel to follow.

1 comment:

  1. Did it work ?
    Imagine the surprise if it did & you could change the song. Nothing wrong with a quick chorus of "Don't worry...." but a basso profundo version of "Like a virgin" might catch on.
